<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"=
<title>Catfish Tales: List of Japanese ODA to Burma since May 30th, 2003</t=
  <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <td>Type of Aid</td>
      <td>Type of Recipient</td>
      <td>Project Name/Description</td>
      <td>Approx Amount (million yen)</td>
      <td>October 16, 2003</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance </td>
      <td>International NGO</td>
  Water supply project in Kachin villages</td>
      <td>October 30, 2003</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Provision of Medical Equipment for Clinic in Kalay </td>
      <td>November 4, 2003</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>International NGO</td>
  Emergency Food Assistance Project in Kokang Special Region </td>
      <td>November 12, 2003</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Medical Institution</td>
  Installation of elevator at a children's hospital in Yangon</td>
      <td>November 26, 2003</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of elementary school in Mon State </td>
      <td>December 1, 2003</td>
      <td>Aid through the Trust Fund for
        Human Security</td>
      <td>Food and Agriculture Organization
        of the United Nations</td>
  Farmer Participatory Seed Multiplication in Rakhine State </td>
      <td>1.45 (million US Dollars)</td>
      <td>December 12, 2003</td>
      <td>Grant Assistance for Japanese
        NGO Projects</td>
      <td>Japanese NGO</td>
  Construction of small bridge to Improve Village Access in Rakhine
        State </td>
      <td>January 7, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Project to repair/remodel monastery school in Mandalay </td>
      <td>January 7 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Schoolhouse repair and improvement of sanitation facilities at elementary
        school in Mon State </td>
      <td>January 7, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Water Supply Project in Magwe Division </td>
      <td>January 13, 2004</td>
      <td>Grant Assistance for Japanese
        NGO Projects</td>
      <td>Japanese NGO</td>
  Construction of Pier to Improve Access in Rakhine State</td>
      <td>January 16, 2004</td>
      <td>Bilateral Grant Aid</td>
      <td>Military Regime</td>
  The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship </td>
      <td>February 6, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Aid</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Elementary School in Bago Division </td>
      <td>February 6, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Aid</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Middle School in Sagaing Division</td>
      <td>February 10, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Aid</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Elementary School in Karen State </td>
      <td>February 18, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Aid</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Water Supply for an elementary school in Mandalay Division </td>
      <td>March 1, 2004</td>
    <td>Grant Aid </td>
  The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Care Services
        (Phase V) </td>
      <td>March 1, 2004</td>
      <td>Grant Assistance for Japanese
        NGO Projects</td>
      <td>Japanese NGO</td>
  Small Scale Bridge construction for livelihood improvement in a village
        in northern Rakhine State </td>
      <td>March 15, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Middle School in Bago Division </td>
      <td>March 15, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Elementary School in Bago Division </td>
      <td>March 15, 2004</td>
      <td>Grant Assistance for Japanese
        NGO Projects</td>
      <td>Japanese NGO</td>
  Repair of wells for household water supply in the Central Dry Zone
      <td>March 16, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Middle School in Irrawaddy Division</td>
      <td>March 16, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>Local NGO</td>
  Construction of Monastery School in Yangon Division </td>
      <td>March 16, 2004</td>
      <td>Grassroots Grant Assistance</td>
      <td>International NGO</td>
  Repair of Primary Health Care Facility in Yangon Division </td>
      <td>March 22, 2004</td>
      <td>Grant Assistance for Japanese
        NGO Projects</td>
      <td>Japanese NGO</td>
  HIV/AIDS project in Coastal Region bordering Thailand </td>
      <td>April 27, 2004</td>
      <td>Emergency Food Aid</td>
      <td>World Food Program</td>
  Emergency Food Assistance</td>
      <td>(300,000 US dollars) </td>