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SPF Agreed to Postpone the CASE

SPF Agreed to Postpone Case

Neither the ADB’s Policy on the Accountability Mechanism or SPF’s grievance procedures talk about putting a case on hold after it is filed at the mechanism. So, SPF had to make up his mind and did respond favorably to the communities’ request. Both NGOs and the 63 families welcomed SPF’s precedent-setting decision to wait until the families could learn more from the ADB Management about the outcome of the November 2007 CARM research. SPF’s move was in line with one of the mechanism’s fundamental principles that it had been created to benefit people who are affected by ADB-funded projects.


CDCam’s Letter to Reiterate the Communities’ Request to Postpone the Case, dated 4 February 2008.

SPF’s Response to Agree to Postpone the Case, dated 7 February 2008.

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