Mekong Watch

Welcome to Mekong Watch

Mekong Watch is a Japanese NGO based in Tokyo. We combine research and advocacy to address and prevent the negative environmental and social impacts of development in the Mekong Region. We are especially concerned about the lack of consultation with affected communities in development planning and implementation and the role Japanese financing. By contacting communities directly, we try to bridge the information and communication gaps between them and decision-makers in Japan.


NEW The Japanese Government Must Stop Providing Public Funds Benefitting the Myanmar Military
First submission: February 1, 2024
Second submission: Around May 16, 2024
Final submission: August 8, 2024

Webinar Series: Listening to Voices from Myanmar

Session 5: On the Brink: the unending persecution of Rohingya
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024
Time: 19:00-20:30 JST
Details and Registration

Spread our Youtube Video! (3min short clip with English subtitles)
Japan must responsibly disengage from the Yetagun gas project in Myanmar!

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