Press Release
- February 20, 2025
[Joint Statement] Unfeasible; the promotion of the Alaska LNG development agreed at the Japan-US Summit, three major Japanese non-life insurers have already excluded Arctic gas drilling from their insurance underwriting
- October 28, 2024
[Press Release] Institutional investors conduct climate change engagement with SOMPO after being encouraged by environmental NGOs
- September 30, 2024
[Letter of Request] Dear Bondholders of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Request to engage with JBIC to stop financing new fossil fuel projects
- September 5, 2024
[Joint Statement] Local company official and others arrested for corruption in ODA coal-fired power project in Bangladesh -JICA should immediately investigate the situation and suspend the loan-
- August 28, 2024
[Letter of Request] Request to engage with SOMPO to stop underwriting new fossil fuel projects
- July 10, 2024
[Press Release] Myanmar pearl company TASAKI and investors risk complicity in Myanmar military junta's international crimes - TASAKI must responsibly end all business with the sanctioned entity Myanmar Pearl Enterprise
- July 9, 2024
[Joint Statement] Violation of G7 Agreement! We Condemn JBIC's Lending Decision to Provide Support for Vietnam's Block B-O Mon Project (Upstream and Midstream)
- June 11, 2024
[Inquiry] Inquiry regarding TASAKI's business partnership with sanctioned entity Myanmar Pearls Enterprise
- June 11, 2024
[Inquiry] Inquiry regarding human rights due diligence in relation to TASAKI's business partnership with sanctioned entity Myanmar Pearls Enterprise
- June 4, 2024
[Joint Statement] NGOs strongly condemn decision by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) to finance Woodside Energy, the Australian gas extraction giant - Over USD 28 billion has been financed for fossil fuel projects since the G7 Elmau Commitment -
- April 9, 2024
[Joint Statement] Prime Minister Kishida should cooperate with the US and the Philippines for true decarbonization
- April 8, 2024
[Joint Statement] For Vietnam's Block B-O Mon Project, We Demand Retraction of FID by Mitsui
& Co. and JOGMEC's FID and Loan Guarantee Decision
- March 29, 2024
[Joint Statement] NGOs Strongly Condemn Decision by Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) and Citibank to finance two gas-fired power projects in Mexico
- March 28, 2024
[Joint Statement] NGOs urge Japanese financial institutions to stop developing/supporting the Scarborough gas field in Australia
- January 25, 2024
[Joint Statement] JBIC financing for two gas power projects in Mexico would violate the G7 agreement - JBIC, NEXI and private banks should stop consideration immediately -
- December 1, 2023
[Joint Statement] Statement calling on the Japanese government to stop ODA and publicly-funded projects benefiting the Myanmar military
- October 2, 2023
[Letter of Request] Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) should forgo support of the Block B Gas Field Development Project in Vietnam
- October 2, 2023
[Joint Statement] Tokio Marine sets Intermediate Decarbonization Target in an Ambition and Impact Lacking Move
- August 1, 2023
[Joint Statement] Three major Japanese non-life insurers left NZIA and failed to disclose the intermediate targets by deadline --NGOs urge insurers to set intermediate targets for emissions of the underwriting portfolio
- July 25, 2023
[Open Letter] United States Sanctions Myanmar Junta's Ministry of Defence - Japanese Government Should Immediately and Completely Withdraw from the Y Complex Project
- July 24, 2023
[Press Release / Joint Statement] Lao dam disaster: NGOs decry lack of effective remedy for survivors five years on
- June 20, 2023
[Open Letter] To Mr. Obama, Re: Arrest of Obama Foundation Scholar in Vietnam
- May 31, 2023
[Press Release]Japan's Special Envoy for National Reconciliation in Myanmar Lacks Accountability and Transparency
- May 29, 2023
[Open Letter]Japan's leadership urgently needed at the UN Security Council to stop Myanmar military’s atrocity crimes as Myanmar faces man-made and natural disasters
- April 17, 2023
[Press Release]Serious questions over the withdrawal of ENEOS Holdings and other entities from the Yetagun gas project
- April 14, 2023
[Open Letter] 'No room for fossil fuels in climate-vulnerable developing countries': G7 nations must reject the rollout of false energy transition technologies
- March 28, 2023
[Letter of Request] Cirebon Coal-Fired Power Plant Project - Expansion Plan in Indonesia: Request for Immediate Suspension of the Loan Disbursement and Responsible Action to Halt the Project
- March 14, 2023
[Collective Statement] Re: ADB's Draft Guidance Note on Large Hydropower - Collective Civil Society Response
- March 2, 2023
[Press Release] Japan's "Zero Emissions" strategy is a Greenwashing 140 Civil society groups from 18 countries sent an open letter to G7 chair demanding support on swift, just and equitable transition from fossil fuels and not on "false solutions"
- March 2, 2023
[Open Letter] Japan's "Zero Emissions" strategy is a fallacy - Japan must support just and equitable transition from fossil fuels not "false solutions"
- February 27, 2023
[Civil Society Joint Position] Oil and Gas Restrictions under the OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits
- January 18, 2023
[Letter of Request] A Request to Engage with MS&AD to stop underwriting Fossil Fuel Projects
- December 5, 2022
[Letter of Request] Statement Calling for the Japanese Government to Stop ODA to Myanmar
- November 1, 2022
[Press Release] 56 groups from 29 countries opposed to Japan's promotion of False Solution Japanese Government should commit to ending fossil fuel finance at COP27
- November 1, 2022
[Letter of Request] We urge the Japanese Government to Stop Promoting "False Solutions" and Commit to Ending Fossil Fuel Finance at COP27
- October 17, 2022
[Press Release] Further engagement by institutional investors requested Mitsui & Co.'s
new gas development and introduction of ammonia co-firing at coal fired
power plants do not align with 1.5 degrees target
- October 11, 2022
[Press Release] Letter Sent to 160 Institutions to Urge Engagement with Three Japanese Banks Regarding Junta-linked Projects in Myanmar Continued Investment May Finance Human Rights Violations by the Myanmar Military
- September 21, 2022
[Joint Statement] The Japanese Government's "GX Strategy" is soaked in fossil fuels
Japan should provide real solutions for decarbonization, but not false solutions like hydrogen and ammonia co-firing and LNG
- August 30, 2022
[Letter of Request] A request for engagement with Mitsui & Co. regarding its new fossil
gas projects and ammonia co-firing
List of recipients
- August 29, 2022
[Press Release] Response from Eight Major Shareholders Regarding Y Complex Project in Myanmar More Action Required of Investors to Prevent Complicity in Human Rights Violations
- June 23, 2022
[Joint Statement] Victory for local people and civil society! Japanese government announced to halt its supports for Matarbari 2 and Indramayu coal plants - Conversion to the false solutions, such as ammonia co-firing and gas-fired power, should be avoided -
- May 26, 2022
[Press Release] Letter sent to 101 Investors to Urge Engagement with Tokyo Tatemono and Daiwa House Industry Regarding the Y Complex Project in Myanmar; Land Lease Payments May Finance Human Rights Violations by the Myanmar Military
- May 24, 2022
[Letter of Request] Call for Engagement with Companies Involved in the Y Complex Project in Myanmar
- May 18, 2022
[Press Release] Mizuho's Revised Climate Policy Prohibits Business with New Coal Clients but Still Not Consistent with Paris 1.5 C Target
- May 4, 2022
[Press Release] NGOs cautiously welcome ENEOS' withdrawal from Myanmar; call for responsible disengagement and decommissioning of Yetagun gas project
- Apr 20, 2022
[Press Release] 13 Institutional Investors Respond to Call for Engagement -Concern Expressed Over Japanese Companies Continuing Business in Myanmar
- Apr 12, 2022
[Press Release] ESG-labeled funds found to hold shares in corporations linked to the Myanmar military Japanese companies exposed in report by rights groups
- Apr 1, 2022
[Press Release] MUFG announced its revised climate policy and 2030 target for power and oil and gas sector Still inconsistent with 1.5 C
- Mar 26, 2022
[Press Release] Civil society groups reiterate call on Japanese investors in Myanmar's Yetagun gas project to responsibly disengage
- Mar 2, 2022
[Joint Statement] NGOs welcome Sumitomo Corporation's decision on not participating in building Matarbari 2 coal-fired power plant-Japanese government and JICA should immediately stop considering the loan providing
- Feb 25, 2022
[Joint Statement] Japanese government should recall its interpretation of OECD rules on coal - official support should not be provided for ammonia co-firing
- Feb 22, 2022
[Press Release] Myanmar's MOGE included in new EU sanctions Japanese government and companies must swiftly and responsibly withdraw from gas joint venture
- Feb 18, 2022
[Press Release] Mekong Watch, FoE-J and JFM cautiously welcome Mitsubishi Corporation's withdrawal from the Yetagun project and call for responsible disengagement
- Feb 12, 2022
[Petition] "H.E. Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister: Japan must stop fuding the Myanmar military to stop atrocities!" (submitted with 13,453 signatures to each minister)
- Jan 21, 2022
[Press Release] Letter Sent to 125 Investors to Urge Japanese Companies Continuing Business in Myanmar to Stop Funding the Military
- Jan 18, 2022
[Letter of Request] Call for Investor Engagement to Urge Companies Continuing Business
in Myanmar to Completely Cut Off Sources of Funding to Its Military Forces
- Jan 11, 2022
[Open Letter]Attended to President of the European Commission:
Nuclear energy that is neither "sustainable" nor "green" should not be included in the EU taxonomy
- Dec 27, 2021
[Statement]NGOs urge JBIC and private banks to drop the finance for Barossa gas development project in Australia
- Dec 27, 2021
[Statement]Chugoku and Shikoku Should Withdraw from Vung Ang 2 Coal-fired Power Generation Project in Vietnam
- Dec 20, 2021
[Joint Statement]Japanese investors in Y Complex development risk violating US sanctions
- Dec 9, 2021
[Joint Statement]NGOs urge JERA to withdraw from Barossa gas project - The
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Japanese private banks should also not be involved
- Nov 10, 2021
[Statement]JBIC and Private Banks Must Reconsider Decision to Finance LNG Canada Project - CSOs Strongly Condemn JBIC's Decision Just before COP 26 to Provide Public Finance That Ignores Climate Crisis and Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Nov 1, 2021
[Statement]Towards a swift and just end to coal: A statement of civil society and communities in Asia-Pacific urging the Asian Development Bank not to gamble with our climate plight with a premature coal buy-out scheme
- Oct 29, 2021
[Statement]JBIC and Private Banks Must Reconsider Decision to Finance LNG Canada Project -
NGOs Strongly Condemn JBIC's Decision to Provide Public Finance That Ignores Climate Crisis and Rights of Indigenous Peoples Ahead of COP 26
- Oct 18, 2021
[Letter of Request]KDDI Group and Sumitomo Corporation: Do not facilitate human rights abuses by Burma's illegitimate regime
- Oct 18, 2021
[Letter of Request]Letter to ADB Board of Directors regarding upcoming vote on the ADB's 2021 Energy Policy (R-paper)
- Sep 30, 2021
[Joint Statement]NGOs urge Tokio Marine to further strengthen its fossil fuel policy to achieve the goals of Paris Agreement
- Sep 22, 2021
[Letter of Request]Do Not Finance LNG Canada Project and Withdraw from Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project
Attended to Mizuho Bank
Attended to Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Attended to MUFG Bank
- Sep 15, 2021
[Briefing Paper]Yetagun: The Japanese Government s Involvement in Natural Gas Development in Myanmar
- Sep 13, 2021
[Letter of Request]NGOs call on JICA to stop funding Matarbari coal-fired power project in Bangladesh in reaction to injunction by Dhaka High Court
- Sep 9, 2021
[Joint Statement]NGOs urge the Japanese government to take international leadership in the OECD negotiations towards the complete end of public support for coal projects
- Aug 6, 2021
[Letter of Request](Attn: Governor of Japan Bank for International Cooperation-JBIC) Do Not Finance LNG Canada Project
- July 15, 2021
[Joint Statement]Japan: Stop Real Estate Project in Myanmar - Commercial Dealings with Abusive Military Undermines Rights
- July 1, 2021
[Joint Statement]NGOs Strongly Condemn Decision by Japan Bank for International
Cooperation to Support Waitsia 2 Gas Development Project in Australia
- June 30, 2021
[Joint Statement]Mitsubishi Corporation should withdraw from EPC for
Vietnam s Quang Trach 1 Coal-fired Power Plant
- June 29, 2021
[Joint Statement]Japan must not be allowed to violate the G7 Leaders' Statement -Supporting new Coal Plants in Indonesia and Bangladesh goes against the Agreement-
- June 25, 2021
[Press Release]Japanese Insurer MS&AD Completely Stops Underwriting Coal Power ~Tokio
Marine and SOMPO's responses are called into question~
- June 24, 2021
[Press Release]Bondholders challenged JICA to Stop Supporting Coal Projects in Bangladesh and Indonesia
- June 22, 2021
[Press Release]143 Organizations from more than 30 countries call on the 3 Japanese megabanks to end fossil fuel finance
- June 7, 2021
[Joint Statement]NGOs call on Japan to end overseas public finance for fossil fuels including Indramayu and Matarbari 2 coal plants, at G7 Summit
- June 1, 2021
[Joint Petition]Japan Must Review All Economic Cooperation Projects in Myanmar
- May 14, 2021
[Joint Statement]Mizuho s Revised Policy Tightens Approach to Climate Risk
But Still Far from Meeting Paris Agreement Goals
- May 12, 2021
[Joint Statement]Loopholes Remain in SMBC Group's New Coal Policy
Japan's Megabank Still Not Aligned with the Paris Agreement
- May 10, 2021
[Joint Statement]Sumitomo Corporation's new coal policy still includes major loopholes -NGOs urge Sumitomo Corporation not to participate in the EPC bidding for Matarbari Units 3 and 4-
- April 27, 2021
[Joint Statement]Mitsubishi UFJ tightens its financing for coal-fired power
But it s still not aligned with Japan s 2050 Net-zero Emissions target
- April 23, 2021
[Joint Statement]Japan lags behind South Korea in overseas coal financing at the Leaders Summit on Climate
- April 19, 2021
[Joint Statement]NGOs welcome the U.S.-Japan announcement to align Official Financing with the Net-zero Emissions by 2050, but Japan needs to withdraw support from two coal projects
- April 5, 2021
[Joint Press Statement]NGOs call on President Biden and Prime Minister Suga to take strong leadership on ending public support for coal, oil and gas at the U.S.-Japan Summit
- April 1, 2021
[Press Release]2021.04.01 Demonstration for Peace and Democracy in Myanmar
We demand concrete action by the Japanese government to stop the Myanmar military's violence.
- March 25, 2021
[Press Release]NGOs call on 39 JICA Bond Underwriters and Bondholders to urge JICA to Stop Supporting Coal Projects in Bangladesh and Indonesia
>>Letter to JICA Bond Underwriters and Bondholders: A Request to Engage with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Stop Supporting Coal Projects in Bangladesh and Indonesia
- March 4, 2021
[Petition]Urgent call for an investigation into the connection between
Japan's public funds and businesses linked to the Myanmar military
Japanese civil society organizations demand that funding sources to the military be severed
- February 17, 2021
[Joint Letter]Submission by Civil Society Organizations concerning Japanese Business Entities Operating in Myanmar
- February 2, 2021
[Press Release]Five major insurers and asset managers say they are doing engagement with Mitsubishi Corporation - NGOs call for greater efforts to make Mitsubishi Corp. withdraw from new coal-fired power plant project in Vietnam
- February 1, 2021
[Statement]Strong concern regarding the Myanmar military s declaration of a state of
The Japanese government must do more for true democratization in Myanmar
- January 25, 2021
[Press Release]128 organizations from 39 countries demand Japanese government and companies to withdraw from Vung Ang 2 coal power plant project in Vietnam
- January 25, 2021
[Appeal]Appeal for Japanese government and private sector to withdraw from Vung Ang 2 coal power plant project in Vietnam
- December 29, 2020
[Joint Statement]NGOs Strongly Oppose Decision by Japan Bank for International Cooperation to Support Vung Ang 2 Coal-fired Power Generation Project in Vietnam
- December 23, 2020
[Press Release]Press Release:Japanese environmental NGOs urge major investors to divest from Mitsubishi Corporation to protect the climate
>>Letter to investors: Requests Concerning Coal-fired Power Generation Business of Mitsubishi Corporation
- November 11, 2020
[Joint Statement]Joint Statement:Toshiba announces it will stop taking new construction orders for coal-fired power plants Trading companies, Mitsubishi Power, IHI, and others should do the same
- October 28, 2020
[Joint Statement]Japanese NGOs praise collective engagement by institutional investors calling for investees to withdraw from Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power plant in Vietnam: Public and private sector players in Japan and Korea should take heed
- October 16, 2020
[Joint Statement] Inadequately aligned with Paris Agreement, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group lags far behind its international peers No Coal Japan coalition responds to banking giant s new climate goals
- October 5, 2020
[Joint Statement]Japanese NGOs protest Korea Electric Power Co. s decision to participate in Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power plant in Vietnam: Japanese public and private sector should also withdraw
- September 30, 2020
[Joint Statement]MS&AD announces a New Coal Policy Japan s Three Major Non-life Insurers
establishes Coal Policies, but they still need to be strengthened
- September 29, 2020
[Press Release]Japanese environmental groups write 47 major shareholders urging divestment from Chugoku Electric Power Co.
- September 28, 2020
[Joint Statement]Tokio Marine announces a New Coal Policy following SOMPO But it s still not aligned with the Paris Agreement
- September 23, 2020
[Joint Statement]SOMPO announces a New Coal Policy, which is the first among
Japan s Major Non-life Insurers
But it s still not aligned with the Paris Agreement
- August 25, 2020
[Statement]Request for Explanation on the Flow of Funds and Human Rights Issues regarding
the Real Estate Project in Myanmar (Commonly Known as the Y Complex Project)
- July 29, 2020
[Joint Statement]SMBC Group announces it will reduce its credit balance of coal power project finance to zero by 2040
But it s still not aligned with the Paris Agreement
- July 29, 2020
[Joint Statement]NGOs Urge Japan s Three Megabanks to not Finance the Bluewaters Coal-fired Power Station in Australia
- July 23, 2020
[Press Release]Two Years After Lao Dam Collapse, Call for Justice Persists
- July 9, 2020
[Joint Statement]Joint Statement on the government s revised policy on overseas coal power projects It still goes against Paris climate goals: Government should stop supporting ALL coal projects, including those under consideration
- July 3, 2020
[Joint Statement]Japanese NGOs again call on the government to end financing for ALL overseas coal power projects after media report on upcoming revisions to Infrastructure System Export Strategy
- June 22, 2020
[Joint Statement]NGOs protest Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs decision on
preparatory survey for Phase 2 of Matarbari coal-fired power plant(Bangladesh) despite climate crisis and surplus power supply
- June 12, 2020
[Joint Statement] Negative profitability found for planned Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power plant in Vietnam by Korean government think tank: Japanese corporations and banks may risk lawsuits if they move ahead with project despite projected losses
- June 2, 2020
[Joint Statement]Save the Mekong Coalition statement: The Mekong needs just energy transitions, not more destructive dams
- May 26, 2020
[Press Release]Government of Japan should decide to stop funding exports of coal power technology in its Infrastructure System Export Strategy
- May 26, 2020
[Petition]Petition calling on Japanese government, companies and banks to withdraw from the Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power plant in Vietnam
- April 24, 2020
[Joint Letter]Joint letter on principles for the revision of Japan s infrastructure system export strategy and public assistance for coal-fired power projects overseas
- April 23, 2020
[Joint Statement]Joint Statement on JBIC Governor Maeda's Remark Japan Must Bring Complete End to Public Finance for Coal Power
- April 16, 2020
[Joint Statement]Citing Paris Agreement, SMBC Group announces new coal financing policy but still lags behind Mizuho
- April 15, 2020
[Joint Statement]Mizuho Financial Group s new coal policy should close all loopholes
- April 1, 2020
[Request Letter]Demand letter to the PM Abe: Don t finance the phase 2 of Matarbari coal-fired
power project in Bangladesh
- March 23, 2020
[Press Release]NGOs urge 51 investors to divest from Mitsubishi Corporation which promotes coal-fired power generation to divest
Attachment:"Why Mitsubishi Corp.: Why investors should divest from Mitsubishi Corporation"
- February 26, 2020
[Joint Statement]Don t support Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power project in Vietnam with public money Japanese government must reconsider export policy including planned projects
- February 18, 2020
[Request Letter]Demand for 3 Japanese Non-Life Insurance Companies Not to Underwrite Vung Ang 2 Coal-fired Power Project in Vietnam
- January 31, 2020
[Request Letter]Dear Prime Minister of Japan, Please do not support the Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power generation project in Vietnam
- January 21, 2020
[Joint Statement]NGOs applaud environment minister for expressing concerns about coal power project in Vietnam: Japanese government should stop supporting coal-fired power generation overseas
- December 20, 2019
[Joint Statement]Mitsubishi Corporation increasingly isolated on coal-fired power plant in Vietnam
As major international banks and partners pull out, Japanese public and private sector must join the coal exit!
- November 1, 2019
[Joint Letter]NGO Joint Letter to the Japanese Banks RE: Financing for Vung Ang 2 coal-fired power station in Vietnam
- October 29, 2019
[Joint Letter]NGO Joint Letter to Request for JBIC Not to Fund the Vung Ang 2 Coal-Fired Power Plant Project in Vietnam
- October 21, 2019
[Joint Statement]NGO Joint Statement on Mitsubishi Corporation's Coal-fired Power Generation Policy: We welcome its decision to not develop any new coal-fired power generation projects, but Mitsubishi should also cancel its projects that are already under development
- October 8, 2019
[Joint Statement]Save the Mekong Coalition Calls for the Cancellation of the Luang Prabang Dam
- August 21, 2019
[Joint Statement]NGO Joint Statement on Sumitomo Corporation's Coal Policy: Sumitomo Corporation Must Aim at Complete Coal Phase-Out to Combat Climate Change
- May 24, 2019
[Press Release]A fatal error in JBIC's procedures in the Van Phong 1 Coal-Fired Power Generation Project
- May 23, 2019
[Letter]JBIC is violating its Guidelines in the Van Phong 1 Coal-Fired Power Generation Project
- April 26, 2019
[International Petition]Japan shamelessly continues to finance coal ignoring the voices of the local people as well as international society - JBIC and NEXI should stop supporting Van Phong 1
- April 2, 2019
[Letter]Letter to JBIC Governor: Concerns on Van Phong 1's EPC
- March 19, 2019
[International Petition]No More Finance to Coal Fired Power Plants! JBIC must stand aside from highly polluting projects in Vietnam
- March 19, 2019
[Press Release]JBIC faces international advertising campaign over its dirty coal finance
- February 14, 2019
[International Petition]Japan, Stop financing Van Phong 1 coal power plant project in Vietnam
- July 31, 2018
[Statement]Grave damage caused by dam collapse in southern Laos --- Funds from Japan involved in the project development
- July 28, 2018
[Statement]Save the Mekong Statement on the Collapse of the Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy Hydropower Project
- July 20, 2018
[Petition]Re: Financing the Van Phong 1 coal power station in Vietnam (to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Mizuho Bank)
- April 27, 2018
[International Petition]JBIC should revoke the finance for Nghi Son 2 coal fired power plant!
- April 11, 2018
[Petition]JBIC should reject finance for Nghi Son 2 coal fired power plant immediately
- March 13, 2018
[Press Release]Urgent Petition Submitted to Minister of Finance and JBIC by Environmental Groups
Exporting dirty coal fired power plants to Vietnam is against the Paris Agreement
- March 13, 2018
[Urgent Petition]JBIC should reject finance for Nghi Son 2 coal fired power plant project in Vietnam
- November 15, 2017
[Urgent Statement]Objection to Japanese and South Korean Government and Companies Supporting the construction of new coal power plants in Vietnam
- May 29, 2017
[Joint Statement]Joint Statement in Opposition to an Anti-Conspiracy Bill that will Suppress Civil Society
- April 25, 2017
[Petition]Re: JICA's Data Collection Survey for the Tanintharyi Region Development Plan
- April 14, 2017
[Joint Statement]Joint Statement condemning JBIC for its decision to finance an expansion project of Vinh Tan 4 coal fired power plant in Vietnam JBIC must comply with its Environmental Guidelines and ensure accountability to civil society
- July 3, 2015
[Press Release]Statement by 97 organizations in Japan; we demand governments of Japan and Vietnam to halt nuclear power plant construction plan and protest against the starting of resident relocation (in English) (in Vietnamese here)
- April 1, 2015
[Statement]Development Banks Urged to Review Support for Mekong Dams, 10 Years After Nam Theun 2
- December 13, 2014
[Comments]Comments on Don Sahong Dam's 2013 Environmental Impact Assessment
- November 13, 2014
[Statement]New Report Shows Burmese Government Violated International Guidelines -Human Rights Laws Must be Followed Before Additional 846 Families in Thilawa are Evicted
- August 29, 2014
[Statement]ADB Approves Loan for Dam in Laos Despite Key Safeguard Violations (Position Statement by International Rivers and Mekong Watch)
- August 13, 2014
[Press Release]Fate of Nam Ngiep River and Thousands of Lao Villagers in the Hands of ADB’s Board
- July 7, 2014
[Press Release]JICA s Examiner Starts Detailed Investigation on a Complaint Lodged by Burma/Myanmar Villagers who Demand Restoration from Impact Caused by the Thilawa SEZ Project (Funded by Japan s ODA)
- April 25, 2014
[Statement]JICA continues to ignore people affected by Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Burma (Myanmar); Mekong Watch appalled by JICA decision to provide Investment Financing for SEZ and calls for improved relocation and compensation measures to prevent deterioration of villagers' living conditions
- December 10, 2013
[Request]Request to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe "At the forthcoming Japan-ASEAN Summit in Tokyo, Prime Minister Abe should urge the Lao Government to fully consult with regional countries over development of the Mekong River"
- June 3, 2013
The Wife of a Victim of Enforced Disappearance Makes an Appeal at a Public Seminar in japan; The Need for the Japanese Government to Cooperate on Human Rights Issues in Thailand and Laos
- December 16, 2010
[Press Release]Can Nam Theun 2 Really Alleviate Poverty? ,December 16, 2010
- December 15, 2010
Petition Concerning Feasibility Study for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant in Viet Nam
- December 14, 2009
Budget screening for better ODA! NGOs call for fundamental review of development aid
- December 11, 2009
Last-minute ODA: What happened to the budget screening conclusion, No grant aid for large-scale infrastructure ?