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ホーム > イベント >連続セミナー:ミャンマからの声を聞く 第5回「追い詰められるロヒンギャ 終わらない迫害」 (2024.7.25)

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第5回「追い詰められるロヒンギャ 終わらない迫害」

2024年7月25日(木) 19:00-20:30


この連続セミナーは、「#ミャンマー軍の資金源を断て」キャンペーン団体(メコン・ウォッチ、アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク、国際環境NGO FoE Japan、日本国際ボランティアセンター、武器取引反対ネットワーク)がプログレッシブ・ボイスと共催するもので、ミャンマーからの声を日本に伝えるため企画しました。現地の情勢や紛争の歴史的経緯、いわゆる少数民族居住地域での状況、日本政府や社会に対してミャンマーの市民社会の求めることは何かを、各地で活動してきたミャンマーの活動家・NGOスタッフなどをゲストスピーカーに迎えてお話を聞き、議論を深めていきます。

第5回「追い詰められるロヒンギャ 終わらない迫害」

「連続セミナー:ミャンマーからの声を聞く」第5回では、英国ビルマ・ロヒンギャ機構(BROUK)の会長であるトゥンキン氏をスピーカーに迎え、ロヒンギャの置かれている現状や、ミャンマー軍が行ってきた国際犯罪について同軍の責任を追及するための取り組みについてお話しいただきます。BROUKは最近発表した報告書で、「ミャンマーでの平和と安定の持続と、ロヒンギャにとっての正義とは密接に絡み合っている」ことを強調しました。ロヒンギャが求める正義と責任とはどのようなもので、それはミャンマーの将来とどのように結びついているのか? 正当な裁きと人権を求めて闘うロヒンギャを支え、国際社会がふたたび彼らを見捨てないようにするために日本の人びとや政府ができることは何か?トゥンキンさんの報告を受けて、みなさんと一緒に議論していきたいと思います。
2024年7月25日(木) 19:00-20:30
トゥンキン(Tun Khin)氏
「#ミャンマー軍の資金源を断て」キャンペーン団体(メコン・ウォッチ、アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク、国際環境NGO FoE Japan、日本国際ボランティアセンター、武器取引反対ネットワーク)、プログレッシブ・ボイス
メコン・ウォッチ info@mekongwatch.org
“The Intensifying Rohingya Genocide (強まるロヒンギャに対するジェノサイド)” (2024年6月25日)


Webinar Series: Listening to Voices from Myanmar
Session 5: On the Brink: the unending persecution of Rohingya
July 25, 2024 (Thursday) 19:00-20:30 JST

Since the military attempted a coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, the country has been thrown into chaos with nearly 3 million internally displaced persons as the military’s oppression and escalating conflicts with ethnic revolutionary organizations intensifies. The death toll from the military crackdown has climbed to over 5,300 people. While Japan is the largest aid donor to Myanmar, it has not exerted its influence in the correct manner, while continuing its Official Development Assistance (ODA) after the coup attempt and supplying public funds to businesses related to the military. Moreover, the situation in regions inhabited by ethnic minorities who have long sought autonomy and the voices of people with diverse backgrounds have not been well understood in Japan.

This webinar seminars is co-hosted by the #NoMoreBusinessWithJunta campaign organizers (Mekong Watch, ayus:Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation, Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), and Network Against Japan Arms Trade (NAJAT)) with Progressive Voice. The webinar series intends to amplify voices of the people of Myanmar to Japan. We will discuss and hear ground updates, historical background of conflicts, situation in ethnic minority areas, and what the civil society from Myanmar expects from the Japanese government and society, featuring Myanmar activists and NGO staff as guest speakers.

Session 5: On the Brink: the unending persecution of Rohingya
Next month will mark seven years since the Myanmar military conducted a sweeping campaign of massacres, torture, rape and burning of Rohingya villages in Rakhine State in 2017, forcing over 800,000 people to flee to Bangladesh. Today, nearly one million Rohingya are suffering in squalid, overcrowded refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, with fading hopes of a dignified return to their home in Myanmar with citizenship, with their full rights restored, and with justice served. Actualizing the Rohingya's sustainable return to Myanmar has been made far more complex by the Myanmar military’s 2021 coup attempt and the resumption of conflict between the military and the Arakan Army, one of the ethnic resistance organizations operating in Rakhine State, the most western state in Myanmar. Amid the ongoing revolution in Myanmar, the estimated 600,000 Rohingya left in Rakhine State face forced conscription by the Myanmar military and a deepening humanitarian crisis, alongside acute levels of insecurity as the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army commit atrocity crimes against Rohingya communities.

In our fifth session of the webinar series “Listening to Voices from Myanmar”, Tun Khin, President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK), will share his insights into the current plight of the Rohingya and BROUK’s efforts to hold the Myanmar military accountable for the international crimes they have committed. In a recent report, BROUK emphasized that “Enduring peace and security in Myanmar and justice for the Rohingya are intertwined.” What does justice and accountability look like for the Rohingya and how is it interlinked with the future of Myanmar? How can the people of Japan and the government support the Rohingya in their struggle for justice and human rights and ensure that the international community does not fail them once again? We invite you to join the discussion following Tun Khin’s presentation.
Date and Time
July 25, 2024 (Thursday) 19:00-20:30 JST
Online Event (Zoom Webinar)
English (with simultaneous Japanese interpretation)
Participation Fee
Registration Form
Tun Khin
Speaker Profiles
Tun Khin is co-founder and current President of Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK) which has been a leading voice for Rohingya people around the world. Tun Khin is a Rohingya muslim. He was born and brought up in Arakan State, Burma. His grandfather was a Parliamentary Secretary during democratic Period of Burma. His mother’s grandfather was the first Judge in Northern Arakan State, Myanmar in 1950s. Tun Khin has briefed officials on the Genocide committed against Rohingya populations at the British Parliament, Swedish Parliament, Morocco Parliament, Canada Parliament, European Union Parliament, US Senate, US Congress State Department, the UN Indigenous Forum in NY and the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. He is a featured speaker on Rohingya's rights for many media outlets. BROUK filed Universal Jurisdiction case in Argentina against Myanmar military and civilian government for genocide war crimes, crimes against humanity. He received a leadership award from Refugees International in Washington DC in April 2015 for his relentless effort working on the Rohingya crisis.
Co-organized by
#NoMoreBusinessWithJunta campaign organizers (Mekong Watch, ayus:Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation, Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), and Network Against Japan Arms Trade (NAJAT)) with Progressive Voice
Mekong Watch info@mekongwatch.org
Relevant resources
Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, “The Intensifying Rohingya Genocide” (June 25, 2024)


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