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メコン河開発メールサービス 2001年7月26日







Rangoon free to spend gas money on anything it wants
Purchase of MiGs a totally separate deal

Bangkok Post
July 17, 2001

Burma can use the money Thailand pays for natural gas for any purpose it pleases, including buying new warplanes, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday.

However, a spokesman denied a report in Jane's Defence Weekly that Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai was president of PTT Exploration and Production when the deal to purchase gas from the Yadana natural gas field was signed.

The weekly reported in its July 11 edition that Rangoon was buying 10 MiG-29 jet fighters from Russia for US$130 million and the money was coming from Thai gas purchases.

Deputy ministry spokesman Isorn Pocmontri said neither Thailand nor Mr Surakiart had anything whatsoever to do with the plane purchase.

The MiG deal was between Russia and Burma.

The gas purchase was a separate matter, Mr Isorn said.

"It's not a Thai grant, but payment on a business deal.

"Therefore it is up to the Burmese government how it uses the money."

The magazine also said the gas deal was sealed when Mr Surakiart was president of PTT Exploration and Production, a joint investor in the Yadana gas field with France's Total and Unocal of the United States.

Mr Isorn said PTTEP signed the joint venture agreement with Total in 1995, three years before Mr Surakiart became the state-oil company's president, a position which he resigned from in March last year.


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